
Do you have questions or concerns about E-Line Media or one of our games? You've come to the right place!


Please consult the FAQs to see if your question has already been answered before sending us a message. If you do not find your answer here, you can reach out to us at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!


Are you looking for interns right now?

All open positions - internship opportunities included - will be listed on our Careers page, so keep checking there for any new openings. You can also submit a general application.

I have an awesome idea for a game! Can I pitch you?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept unsolicited game ideas - it's a whole "thing," according to our lawyers. Instead, can we suggest trying to make the game yourself? There are lots of tools and resources out there to help you, and we're sure it'll come out great!

I made a game! Do you want to publish it?

We're pretty busy developing and publishing our own games here at E-Line, so unfortunately that doesn't leave us with a lot of resources to publish someone else's. Sorry!

I'd like to interview someone at E-Line for an article/news piece/project I’m working on. How can I arrange that?

We're always happy to do interviews! Just send us an email at and someone will get back to you.

Can I use screenshots or video of your game in an article/project I’m working on?

Sure thing! Just cite us as the source of whatever you're using, and you're good to go.

Can I stream your game/upload a Let’s Play?

You have full permission to stream, upload, and monetize videos of any of our games. If you run into any issues or have any questions, email us at the corresponding game's Support address and we'll discuss further.

Can I use your game in a classroom/camp/museum setting?

Absolutely! We're kinda big on the whole "Games for Social Impact" thing, so we love this kind of request. If you have specific needs and/or asset requests, check out our Press page or get in touch with us at

I would like to purchase many copies of your game for my class. Is there a bulk/educator’s discount?

More the merrier! Reach out to us via email at {EMAIL} and we can work something out!

When is [game] coming out on [platform]?


"But I didn't even say which game or platf---"
