
Want to know what we’re up to before anyone else? ‘Course you do. Insiders get to connect with other players, get the latest news about our games, participate in beta opportunities, and more!

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Do you want to know the latest news and information about E-Line and our games as soon as they're announced? Hoping to meet other like-minded gamers interested in the social impact games can provide? Are you looking for some funny third thing I can't think of right now because comedy writing is hard? Then you'll want to be an E-Line Insider!



We’ve got a new look… and a blog!

In case we haven’t been properly introduced, we’re E-Line Media. It’s nice to meet you! We make and publish games designed to help players understand and shape their world. We’re probably best known for Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) – a game we made in partnership with the Inupiaq people in Alaska to tell one of their oldest stories – but most recently we made Beyond Blue in partnership with the BBC and the makers of Blue Planet II.

Are you a Streamer, Creator, or Influencer that's interested in working with us? We'd love to hear from you!

To request a copy of a game, please email us at the corresponding addresses below. Be sure to use an email address that's listed on your official website/channel for verification -- because nobody likes a scammer :)