E-Line Ventures

E-Line Ventures is a double-bottom-line, for-profit enterprise whose investors seek market-level financial returns and positive social impact.

We are passionate about harnessing the power of games.

Globally recognized as a pioneer in the games and impact sector, the company is regularly featured at gaming conferences, educational forums, and other global convenings. E-Line has also been a key driver of a number of high-profile impact game initiatives, including the National STEM Video Game Challenge (launched at the White House by President Obama), the Games and Learning Publishing Council (funded by the Gates Foundation) and the ASU Center for Games and Impact.

E-Line Ventures is the parent company of three complimentary organizations that span transmedia in evocative and newly emerging ways:

Current Projects

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue takes players into the near future, where they will have the opportunity to explore the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of Mirai, a deep-sea explorer and scientist. She and her newly-formed research team will use groundbreaking technologies to see, hear, and interact with the ocean in a more meaningful way than has ever been attempted. The game features an evocative narrative and exploration of an untouched world.

The Endless Mission

The Endless Mission is a community-driven sandbox creation game where players embark on an exciting adventure using their ability to hack as a superpower. Players can even manipulate the essence of the game down to the code itself. Along the way, they’ll discover their power to create games that can be shared with the world.

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

Never Alone is an atmospheric puzzle platformer developed in collaboration with the Iñupiat community and drawn from a traditional story that has been shared across the generations. Available now in 16 languages, Never Alone has helped connect millions of players around the world with Alaska Native culture.

Endless Studios

Endless Studios is a globally distributed, massively open game-making studio and learning community.

Past Projects

Gamestar Mechanic

Gamestar Mechanic is a game-based learning platform and online community designed specifically for youth. Over a million students in thousands of classrooms around the world have shared their voice through the making of an original game.


qCraft is a ‘mod’ that introduces the weird and weirdly compelling concepts of quantum physics to the world of Minecraft. The project involved a unique collaboration among Google, Teacher Gaming, the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter at Caltech, Minecraft “modder” Daniel Ratcliffe, and E-Line Media. qCraft was released in 2014 and has received over 1 million downloads.

Fab: The Game

Fab: The Game enables players to explore the future of digital fabrication in an exciting, near-future game grounded in real-world science. The project was initially funded by a DARPA grant in partnership with the global Fab Foundation, TIES and the pioneering researchers at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms. Originally conceived as a research initiative investigating the use of a game to promote literacy of digital design and manufacturing concepts that concluded in 2017, E-Line is currently exploring commercial game possibilities that build on the work of the research phase.

Our City

E-Line Media, in partnership with Nethope and funding from USAID, harnessed the power of games to help foster civic engagement through a Facebook city building game. Instead of accelerating the player’s advancement in the game through micro-transactions, the player can advance their city through online and real-world community engagement. The game was piloted in Jordan in 2015.


MinecraftEdu is a school-ready remix of Minecraft, created by teachers who formed a company, Teacher Gaming, and received the right from Mojang (the makers of Minecraft) to sell their own educational ‘mod’ (modification) of Minecraft to schools. Together with Teacher Gaming, E-Line helped develop and publish MinecraftEdu, enabling thousands of teachers throughout the world leverage the power of Minecraft to engage, educate and empower students. MinecraftEdu was sold to Microsoft in 2015.


Rigorous research by leading neuro-researchers has demonstrated that some of the most popular realtime 3D action video games (e.g. Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor) can actually change the brain’s plasticity and improve its ability to learn. This National Science Foundation research project featured a unique partnership with world-class neuroscientists such as Daphne Bavelier and leading experts in media and child development like Michael Levine and his team at the Joan Ganz Cooney at Sesame Workshop. E-Line worked with these experts to design and develop a non-violent 3D action game, eleMental, designed to support their ongoing research. The project was completed in 2015.

Atlantis Remixed

Atlantis Remixed is a 3D adventure/role-playing platform and immersive approach to game-based-learning funded through the Gates Foundation, developed with the ASU Center for Games and Impact and learning scientist Sasha Barab. Current Atlantis Remixed modules include The Mystery of Taiga River (Science/Scientific Method), Doctor’s Cure (Language Arts/Persuasive Writing) and Boone’s Meadow (Math). The package leverages years of collective research on each of the individual modules.


Historia is a middle school history curriculum developed by two middle school history teachers in Texas who were inspired by Civilization. They were frustrated by the fact their students hated history, so they developed an entirely new approach to teaching history where students work in teams to lead fictional civilizations that compete along side (and sometimes against) the great empires of the past. E-Line collaborated with Histrionix on the design and publishing of a digital version of the game.

The Odyssey of Sergeant Jack Brennan

The Odyssey of Sergeant Jack Brennan is a graphic novel based on Homer’s Odyssey, designed to emphasize similarities between the homecoming and re-integration issues faced by Odysseus and his crew with those of contemporary American soldiers. Developed in partnership with Theater of War Productions and funded through a grant from DARPA, the graphic novel was released in 2016.


The National Stem Video Game Challenge

The National STEM Video Game Challenge is a multi-year competition to motivate interest in STEM learning among America’s youth by tapping into students’ natural passion for playing and making video games. The Challenge was conceived and operated by E-Line in partnership with the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. The first Challenge was announced in November of 2010 at the White House by President Obama. Over 20,000 youth have entered the Challenge across 7 competition cycles and multiple winners have been invited to showcase their games at the White House Science Fair.

The Center for Games and Impact

E-Line partnered with Arizona State University to help establish the Center for Games and Impact to support the research, design and publishing of computer and video games that address society’s biggest social, cultural, scientific and economic challenges. The Center is designed to help close a significant gap in the impact game ecosystem: the gap between early research proof points and market ready products and services that can support learning and social impact at meaningful scale with economically viable business models.