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We are passionate about harnessing the power of games.

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue fully enchants... I'm impressed with the sense of wonder and awe that E-Line Media has brought throughout Beyond Blue.

Whether you’re swimming with humpback whales or exploring underwater caverns, this is an experience that really does make waves.

Looking part-Abzu, part-Inside, and part-No Man's Sky... this is one game that will, ethically, chuck you straight in at the deep end, yet will still aim to amaze with its dazzling beauty. Definitely one to keep a beady eye on.

Never Alone

When was the last time a video game told you about a whole other culture? Took you somewhere remote you'd only heard about in passing, and let the people who've lived there speak to you in a generations-old voice? Never Alone does that all-too-rare thing and does it very well....Wonderful art direction and animation make Never Alone feel like an introduction to the folklore and traditions of a rarely seen culture.

Never Alone is the result of a collaboration between some gaming industry veterans, an educational group, and actual Alaska Natives. Just writing that is surreal to me, something I never thought could happen. That alone should be cause for celebration, but Never Alone is also stunningly poignant - and quite brilliant.